Main Street Now shines a spotlight on the Magic City

You may notice some new faces exploring downtown Birmingham early next week. Nearly 1,900 leaders in commercial district revitalization from across the country will convene from May 6-8 for the 2024 Main Street Now Conference.
Hosted by Main Street America, Main Street Alabama and Sweet Home Alabama, this national conference is an opportunity for placemaking industry professionals to exchange ideas and immerse themselves in all things Alabama – and, of course, all things Birmingham.
“We are looking forward to welcoming Main Street Now 2024 attendees to Alabama,” said Mary Helmer Wirth, President/State Coordinator at Main Street Alabama. “In Alabama, our historical districts are the heart of our communities, the core of architectural and cultural heritage, they are the places where people gather to celebrate, where communities big and small are reinventing the way Alabama does business.”
For three days, these visitors, equipped with their knowledge of and love for place, will experience all that the Magic City’s downtown has to offer, including dining, shopping and historical landmarks:

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The art of placemaking
“Place,” this. “Place,” that. What’s the deal with place? Allow us to explain.
Placemaking is a multi-faceted approach to the planning, design and management of public spaces – like sidewalks and parks. Placemaking is REV’s jam – and you’re probably already familiar with some of the recent Birmingham projects that we’d put in that category: Rainbow Bridge beautification, downtown holiday window activation, and our 20th Street North refresh to name a few.
REV, along with the many guests attending Main Street Now, do this work every day to move the needle in Birmingham, transforming it into the best version of itself and adding vibrancy (aka, the “it” factor found in the best, most memorable places) at every turn.
The effort that goes into Main Streets is especially important, because Main Streets are special places. They’re where everyone in a community can call home. Creating and maintaining those places for communities to gather and experience vibrancy takes care and dedication – and it’s exactly what Main Street Now plans to celebrate.

Destination Birmingham
Main Street Now isn’t the only event putting Birmingham on the map, though. According to the Greater Birmingham Convention & Visitors Bureau, there are more than 800 meetings and conventions planning on making their way to Birmingham in 2024.
These new eyes will only help us grow our reputation and culture. As these attendees take in and experience the talent, opportunity, creativity and magic of the city, we hope they spread the word and invite others to take part. After all, it’s so nice to have them in Birmingham!

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The “why” behind historic preservation
“Old places are where our lives, memories, and stories began. They connect us to the past, anchor us to the present, and lead us into the future. These places inspire us to create a stronger nation, because they belong to all of us.” – National Trust for Historic Preservation Happy Historic Preservation Month, Birmingham! Every year in May, […]

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