Let’s recap the final Linn Park workshop!
September 5th marked a milestone in the Re-vision Linn Park planning process: a drafted concept was revealed based on the feedback of Birmingham community members.
This third community meeting was also an opportunity for the project consultant team to share insight into the vision for Linn Park, report to the community on emerging themes of a renewed park identity, and next steps in this process. If you were not at the meeting, no worries. You can view the park concepts, and send in your feedback to the consultant team today!

Join us for the third and final Re-vision Linn Park public workshop!
We’ve made it to the third and final public workshop for Re-vision Linn Park! Partners behind Re-Vision Linn Park will wrap up the community engagement process at the last public workshop on Tuesday, October 4, at Boutwell Auditorium. Community members can participate and provide feedback on a park design concept in the noon or 5:30 p.m. session – so come out one last time and let your voice be heard!

Re-vision Linn Park: the people, the place, and the solutions
The second community workshop held at Boutwell Auditorium on July 26th was another opportunity for the public to weigh in on the future of Linn Park. The project consultant team shared insight about the people engaged so far, the place-based assessment of Linn Park, and the preliminary park concept solutions. Keep reading to see the results and how you can play a part in this re-vision!

Here’s what our community had to say about Re-vision Linn Park!
Partners behind Re-Vision Linn Park hosted the first of three public workshops and a digital survey that gathered feedback from community members and leaders about reactivating the park. 227 community participants gave their input and ideas which amounted to 2,230 votes and comments combined. Keep reading to see what our community had to say about the future of Linn Park!

You spoke, we listened: What our community wants to see in Linn Park
Over the past 6 months partners with the Mayor’s Office of Social Justice and Racial Equity, the Birmingham Museum of Art, The City of Birmingham Park and Recreation Board, The Friends of Linn Park, and The Philip Morris Fund for Design Arts to gather the community in a planning process the envisions what Linn Park could be for the future of our city. And now, we’re taking it one step further and getting YOUR input as well!

Re-vision Linn Park: Your Park, Your Vision
Word around town is that Linn Park is getting a facelift – no really! Linn Park is undergoing a community-oriented planning and design process to bring a renewed vision, fresh design concept, and an activation plan. And we want you to be part of this process – keep reading to find out how!

Linn Park is getting a re-vision!
If you’ve been paying close attention, you may have noticed that we’ve been hinting at a new Linn Park project coming soon – and we’re finally ready to share it with you! A planning process to redesign and reactivate Linn Park kicked off recently when public and private organizational partners met on site with the nationally acclaimed park designers OJB Landscape Architecture (OJB) to begin an eight-month master plan development process to improve Linn Park.

History of Linn Park: acknowledging the past and envisioning the future
Linn Park is full of history and potential. Soon, the Re-vision Linn Park coalition will embark on a community-oriented planning project to position Linn Park as a vibrant destination that drives inclusive growth, greater public use, preservation and property reinvestment. You can expect to hear more about that soon, but first let’s reflect on the park’s history.