Let’s recap the final Linn Park workshop!
October 11, 2022 · Engage, Linn Park
September 5th marked a milestone in the Re-vision Linn Park planning process: a drafted concept was revealed based on the feedback of Birmingham community members.
This third community meeting was also an opportunity for the project consultant team to share insight into the vision for Linn Park, report to the community on emerging themes of a renewed park identity, and next steps in this process.
If you were not at the meeting, no worries. You can view the park concepts, and send in your feedback to the consultant team today!
Park Design
Since May 2022, Birmingham citizens have convened and completed online surveys to learn about Linn Park’s history in this city and its future. These gatherings and surveys equipped the consultant team with feedback that shaped the park’s design, amenities, and Maintenance.
Input from the public identified six key elements for the future:
- Large enough space to accommodate large events, but intimate enough to enjoy a normal day
- Security in the park, a park bathroom, and continued maintenance of the park is vital
- A park building that activates the street and park interior should be added
- City Walk and other new city amenities should be complemented
- The park should connect City Hall and the County Complex
- Existing monuments should be honored
When presented with three park concepts, the community voted strongly for a central green and great lawn concept. The central green concept that showcases a community hub in the center of the park with a civic lawn, interactive step fountains, sculpture garden and other high priority items identified by the community.
While great lawn features a 26,000 square foot event lawn, centralized community plaza, terraced seating and an interactive fountain.
Feedback indicated that the central green and great lawn were the most popular concepts among Birmingham citizens, and a final concept will feature elements from both the Central Green plan and the Great Lawn plan.
Park Vision and Identity
Linn Park’s vast history has made it a space of celebration with events like Fiesta and Magic City Art Connection; but it is also a space of civic debate and protests for the citizens of Birmingham. This complexion of convenings greatly shapes the identity of the park – as characterized by the community.
When asked about the types of qualities that a new name identifier would communicate, some community members were opposed to changing a name, while others suggested themes around unity, freedom, and history.
In a similar fashion, input about park use and park identity shaped three core statements that best represent the vision of the park going forward. Birmingham’s central green is a space where we
- Create everyday connections
- Gather for important moments
- Share our strength and promise
This input from the community highlighted that the park is seen as a space – not only for celebration – but also for important civic dialogue and civic action for the betterment of Birmingham.
Next Steps
“The final outcomes of this community planning process are a masterplan that will include:
- A renewed park vision, brand image, and design.
- A plan for ongoing park programming to activate the space and increase community use.
- Recommendations in the organizational structure to ensure the success of programming and physical management.
- Recommendations for costs and capital investments for ongoing sustainability.”
You still have time to chime in: view the park concept renderings and give your feedback today.
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Join us for the third and final Re-vision Linn Park public workshop!
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